press release


ST. JOHN’S, Antigua – Cricket West Indies confirmed on Monday that Barbados Pride, as well as Guyana Jaguars’ pair of Leon Johnson and Nial Smith received penalties under its Code of Conduct during the first half of the 2019-20 West Indies Championship season.

Pride were fined for maintaining a slow over-rate against the Jaguars during their second-round match from January 16 to 19 at Kensington Oval in Barbados.

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Johnson was fined and Smith reprimanded for Level 1 breaches of the Code during the fourth-round match between Jaguars and Jamaica Scorpions from February 6 to 9 at the Guyana National Stadium.

Webcasts of matches in the Championship are available on the Windies YouTube Channel and you can subscribe to receive pre-play alerts.

Pride were reported by field umpires Danesh Ramdhanie and Christopher Taylor, as well as reserve umpire Troy Tudor, for being three overs short of their target after time allowances were taken into consideration.

In accordance with Article 2.22 of the Code, which relates to minor over-rate offences, Pride captain Kraigg Brathwaite was fined 30 percent of his match fee and the other members of the squad were fined 15 percent of their match fee.

Brathwaite pleaded guilty to the offence after the match and accepted the proposed sanction from CWI match referee Stephen Proverbs, so there was no need for a formal hearing.

Under the regulations, minor over-rate offences occur when a team fails to bowl one to five overs short of their target in the allotted time.

The fine for a captain is 10 percent of his match fee for every over his side fails to bowl in the allotted time. Other team members are penalised five percent of their match fee for every over the team fails to bowl in the allotted time.

Johnson, the Jaguars captain, and pacer Smith admitted to their respective offences and accepted the imposition of the proposed sanctions, so there was no need for formal hearings.

Johnson and Smith were reported by field umpires Zahid Bassarath and Deighton Butler, as well as reserve umpire Ryan Banwarie.

Having considered the umpires’ report, match referee Colin Stuart fined Johnson 15 per cent of his match fee for a breach of Section 2.4 of the Code during the Jaguars’ second innings, when he was dismissed.

The umpires reported that Johnson stood his ground before leaving the wicket and waved his hands in anger while walking away, when he was adjudged lbw in the 16th over, displaying behaviour that could be deemed as showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by action or verbal abuse.

Stuart gave Smith a reprimand for the same breach of the Code, which also occurred during the Jaguars’ second innings, when the pacer was dismissed.

The umpires reported that Smith stood his ground before leaving the wicket and made a questionable remark, when he was adjudged lbw in the 85th over, also displaying behaviour that could be deemed as showing dissent at an umpire’s decision by action or verbal abuse.


Level of Offence


Level 1

Official warning/reprimand and/or fine of up to the equivalent of 50 per cent of player or team official’s match fee.

Level 2

Fine of the equivalent of between 50 per cent of player or team official’s match fee up to their full match fee and/or a ban of one match and/or two one-day matches.

Level 3

Ban of between two and four matches and/or between four and eight one-day matches.

Level 4

Ban of between five matches and/or 10 one-day matches and a life ban.

Source: CWI Media Release

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